Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Camping Eats

B and I went camping with my family for a week in August.  I made a number of items to take with us so I would have plenty of things to eat while everyone else was chowing on animal... things.  While I failed to take pictures of most of what I made I thought I'd share what I took.  I made: black bean burgers, simmered seitan (for steak night), seitan sausage, and for my night to cook for everyone I made five-bean chili (even my aunt's father enjoyed it, and she told me he is very resistant to vegetarian anything!).  We also took a variety of fruit and veggies, a big batch of hummus, and I made a couple types of cookies.  
Homemade Granola
For breakfast I made us a green smoothie for every day.  I froze them in quart jars and took them that way.  It worked pretty well, but they were a little... funky... by the end of the week.  If you can figure out a way to actually keep half of them fully frozen until the last half of the week it would be ideal.  Additionally, I made the banana bread I have posted previously and the granola pictured.  It was my first time making granola and while I was happy with it, I am going to play with it a bit more.  I want to try and get more clumps.  It is very healthy, but not really lowfat, due to the healthy fats from the nuts, flax, and a small amount of coconut oil.  I don't want to eliminate fat entirely, but I want to try lowering it a bit without sacrificing too much nutritional value. 
Homemade Granola with Dried Cranberries

And finally, while everyone else was getting hopped up on coffee this is how Mom and I started our day: 

Camping is a fun and inexpensive (once you've bought the reusable equipment) way to vacation. Living outside need not mean eating unhealthy, boring, or processed foods.  Eating well and getting in touch with nature go hand in hand, and that's what us "crunchy, granola hippies" love, right :o)

1 comment:

ChocolateCoveredVegan said...

Gosh, usually when I think of camping, I think of "roughing it" but you seem to have had a 5-star experience... at least as far as food was concerned. I mean, banana bread? Granola? Green smoothies (funkiness aside lol)?