Thursday, August 28, 2008

Quick Update

B and I are in Oregon for the week visiting his brother's family. I love it up here, it is so much more relaxed and clean. We went to Eugene for the day on Tuesday which was lovely. His family lives in central Oregon, which is much drier than the coastal area, very high desert climate. Eugene was beautiful and so green. B observed that it was very "hippie"; in other words, just my kind of place!

Peaches are in season up here and we found a stand that supports local farmers, has better prices than the grocery store, and some of the best peaches I've ever tasted. We also got some delicious first-of-the-season apples. We'll be going to the farmer's market tomorrow. (This is what I do in every town I go to, some people research local historical sites, I look for farmer's markets.)

B's extended family have horses and I've gone horseback riding once already, and will again tomorrow. I got stepped on on Tuesday, and I've been icing that foot, but nothing so bad as to prevent me from going back for more!

Hope you all have a great month's end. I have a number of things to post when we get home, see you in September!

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